Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Teeth, and other developments.

Around five or six weeks, I noticed a little bump on Oren's gums. I immediately rushed him to his grandmother's side and began to fret over what it could be. Thrush? No, the bump was too hard. Maybe it's some sort of bone spur? A jaw deformity? Before I went over the edge with all the potential terrible things it could be -- a pox upon you, creator of Web MD -- my mother reeled me in and assured me it was the one thing I was certain it couldn't be. A tooth, about to break through.

Seriously? He's not even two months old yet! How is that even POSSIBLE? Does it hurt him? Yes, I am glad I am not nursing, now that you mention it.. Oh, you say my grandmother was actually born with a tooth? Yikes.

Yes indeed, Oren acquired his chompers fairly early. I believe we are now about to cut tooth number nine. It's hard to check manually because he bites any inspecting fingers, and certainly isn't about to just hold his mouth open and let me peer inside for a moment. But, judging by his behavior over the last few days, it seems likely. He's usually quite a happy little dude, but today we have been experiencing what I like to call the Demon Screamies. I think the name says it all!

In addition to that, as we near the one year mark I guess he's just trying to test his limits. Figure out how much control he has over the world around him - which, admittedly, isn't much. He'll throw a tiny fit when I go to put him in the high chair, even though we both know he'll stop fussing and enjoy himself once he's buckled in. He fights me during diaper changes, even though he and every other sane being on earth appreciate clean hiney and he'll be giggling madly as he rolls around my bed once he's dressed again.

Maybe it's not so much that he doesn't want these things to happen, but that he wants them when he wants them, and on his terms.

Don't we all, Tiny Overlord, don't we all.

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